Monday, July 02, 2007

Proud to be a Bilingual Brat!!

*My folks'll kill me but I always thought that my Dad looked like Stuart and my Mum like Lily!!!

What with the Handover memories and all - have been feeling pretty homesick recently.

Also having becoming the latest victim to the obsession of Facebook, have joined a couple of groups that are just for people like me!

One is called the Half Chinese Appreciation group and another Eurasian Nation (or something like that).

Anyway, it is really great to REALLY belong to a group of people all of whom are so proud to be what we are.

We share hilarious thoughts of 'You know you are half Chinese when .......' (here are a few)

"when dinner consists of a boiled bowl of noodles, hamburger meat, rice, vegetables, hot dogs, and leftover onion rings... and it's delcious..."

"...when people say to you "there's something about your eyes but I can't make out what"

"When you're really young you have a chinese accent when speaking english even though english is your first language. "

"you can spot another eurasian at 50 paces."

1 comment:

Sally Townsend said...

It was so good to know I wasn't the only one who missed the concert ! must be pretty hot in Dubai, paid a visit some years ago, could not be more different to here so it was a lovely change