Saturday, July 14, 2007


Below is an email I sent to someone yesterday - they are also one of the 400+ families in limbo (we're abit like The 4400, eh?!!)

Hi *******

well, you've put very succinctly into words how we are feeling too.
You are absolutely right, our kids are hostage. We know who has them but they won't tell us exactly WHAT they want from us (..... or even WHEN they may tell us what they want) .
Our issue is that while a long wait while they (the various Ministries and their own political agendas) sort out the beaucracy is one thing but we need to know HOW the laws are going to change and whether we are still going to be eligible.
It will be bad enough to know that we definately can't have him with us but this undefined wait to find whether we can or can't is truely TRUELY unbearable.
So, do we start trying to come to terms with our loss (this will be a bereavement pure and simple) or do we try to remain optimistic (possibly foolishly) to keep getting the photos etc?
Surely SURELY this cannot go on for too much longer - although they say it is not a priority they cannot possibly allow any law change to linger indefinately?
Reason is going out of the window a little for us now and I'm afraid I did find the posting on nChild rather upsetting from the person (who hasn't even submitted a dossier yet) lecturing us on how positive the current situation is etc etc.
It is good to know that we have others to turn to for support (yourself, ***** etc) as we know that YOU know exactly how this feels.
So for now - let's turn our faces to the sun for a minute (plenty of that here at the moment) and dream of a time when we have all our kids where they should be, looking back at these dark times and realising the wonderful international, extended family that is growing up around these kids and us.
(guess there's nothing more to say on the subject)

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